Tuesday 30 April 2019

Getting Out Into The Country In Indonesia

Time for a little rural relaxation in Indonesia. A few hours from Pekanbaru, the countryside envelops and reveals its own features.

Riverside pavilion.

Heading up to a lake overlook. Wandering stool.

Impressive lake view.

The viewing deck. Lakeside dining area.

Palm oil plantation.

Monday 29 April 2019

Pekanbaru Portraits, Part Two

More learning about Pekanbaru through its fine people.

Muslim schoolboy.

Waitresses. Do you want hanging out and rolled? Or tucked in and long?

Zealous school teen.

Friday 26 April 2019

Building The (Un)Natural In Pekanbaru

The town likes its concrete. Why make a tree out of wood when concrete lasts so much longer? No one will ever know!

Rocks also don't have to be rocks.

Concrete wood can frame your entry. Or build a little planter divider.

Unnatural rocks with natural turf.

Planter boxes.

Wall of "timber."

Thursday 25 April 2019

Over-exposed In Pekanbaru

Looking at some details of Pekanbaru through squinty eyes.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Herding Schoolboys For A Group Portrait

While wandering the streets of Pekanbaru in Indonesia one morning, James found himself opposite a school. Once the boys saw the camera, it was portrait time.

The boys were eager for pictures, less receptive to the photographer's direction. C'mon, let's line up!

That's better, now let's try to look at the camera.

OK, getting closer. Now we need to work on those expressions.

Closer. Some of you still need to ramp up.

All right, now we have a portrait.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Getting Wrapped Up In Pekanbaru

Time to go green in Indonesia. For tablecloths, seat covers, countertops, get an old advertising banner or some vinyl that looks like traditional cloth patterns and get wrapping. It's quite the rage.

Typical sales stall, the display table covered in plastic.

Patterns are important, the more variety, the better. Or what's left over.

The contrast can trip into high fashion clashing.

Mixing patterns and old banner ads. Getting ready for the next layer.

Floor pattern, advertising table, all loud, all great.

Monday 22 April 2019

Details Of Pekanbaru, Indonesia

What's up Pekanbaru, what's featured?

Get your patriotism sated at this street side seller.

A florist has created a clever ad campaign by making dozens of large placards for various businesses, finished using plastic flowers.

Shop detail.

Mattresses, ready to party. Rice for sale. Uhm, does anyone not chose to go with Thai Ladies brand?

Super Indonesian toys.

Motorbike fuel. You want blue or yellow? Mosque at the end of the alley.

Faded billboard.

Friday 19 April 2019

Pekanbaru Portraits, Part One

New town, new faces, always interesting.

School girls.

Security guard. Auto mechanic.

Pregnant woman.

Another school, more students.

Video game parlor security guards.