The Vatican City may be in Rome, but it's not actually in Rome. Or Italy, for that matter. The City is a state, its own sovereign territory. As a country, the Vatican City ranks as the smallest in the world by both area (110 acres) and population (840). But it's still its own state and the US recognizes it as such with a Foreign Service mission dedicated to the Vatican City. Yes, Sarah could be posted there one day, lunching with the Pope. As if.
Don't forget the architecture and art of the place. And a little power and majesty. The view outward of Saint Peters square, mucked up a bit with stages and seating for weekly outdoor masses. But who could resist the setting?
The dome of Saint Peters, a bit of an anchor point to get your bearings around Rome.
Divine light, always shining through the dome.
Art? The Vatican City Museums have cargo ship-loads of the stuff, culminating in the Sistine Chapel. Don't miss beauties like the Laocoon.
At night, grab a gelato and enjoy the sunset over Saint Peters and the square.