HTemp: 37c
Rain: 0.0"
`-$: 44.35
One of the more ubiquitous sights is people sweeping. Inside, outside, public, private, all times of the day, and in all sorts of places, people are sweeping. We can't imagine how dirty the country would be without them.
The broom, too, is worth mentioning. Forget finding a western-style, flat broom. Here, they use a one-handed model like Sarah is holding in this picture. For inside use, the broom is made from fine grass. For outside sweeping, brooms tend to be rougher and made from coconut palms. They make an unmistakable shushing sound that we can hear early each morning through our bedroom window. They're quite beautiful in their simplicity -- and watching someone sweep is also elegant. Until you realize it's back-breaking work.
Sweeping happens in poor areas and at temples......
Our favorite: A woman in traditional sari with a classic sweeper in an old graveyard. On her cell phone. A little slice of life that summarizes India. |
Love the woman sweeping with her cellphone - great shot!