What little sights does Darjeeling offer? A stroll around the town revealed many gems.
A humble flower display in front of someone's house.
Stairs are everywhere in a hillside town, whether part of an Art Deco design or at the turnaround of one of the many footpaths up a hill.
A store making the most of little house plants to further its marketing effort.
Gutters and downspouts, Darjeeling style. Find an old oil bottle, cut the bottom out, flip upside down and attach. Let the rain come down. Soda bottle optional.
Just Say No to human trafficking. Human loitering is OK.
Speaking of traffic, rush hour lasts all day in Darjeeling, cars stacked up on the tiny roads. A store display. Trying to attract or scare the customer?
A busy "saloon," only room out front for the waiting customers.
Life in a fuel-challenged world. A regular store feature, the little generator, started up when the power cuts come. Getting a little fuel at the dry goods store.
On the cell phone and on the bench.
The tailor shop, messy all around except for the hanging material and the finished products.
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