Tuesday 21 May 2024

Terrifying Torture At Bangkok's Corrections Museum

The highlight/lowlight at the Corrections Museum is a big room with lots of exhibits of the variety of torture used in Thailand over the centuries. A pain and punishment for every transgression.

The big room of unfun.

Starting things off with your basic stockade. Next up, man in a klang, which is a rope around the neck, attached to a chain and then to another prisoner. Miserable together.

Bringing the elephant into the room. Here's a rattan ball, barely big enough for a prisoner. Add a bunch of steel spikes inside, faced toward the victim. Then, let the elephant loose. Kick away.

Presenting the ta-ngok. A bamboo collar with shackles. Not going anywhere and hating it. Then there's the chin hook. The prisoner is raised to tip toes and left to be speared.

The torture box. The prisoner is locked in, left in the hot sun to bake. Not a nice treat.

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