Forget a sterile supermarket, the real action in Ethiopia is in the open-air cornucopias. Food, housewares, kerosene, whatever you need, is there for the bartering.
Get ready, time to wander and shop.
Vendors are waiting. So leave your ride in the donkey parking section and get shopping.
Whatever you need, stacked high and wide.
Maybe something metal, including old munitions? Or legumes, priced by the oil can?
Tailoring while you wait.
The sugarcane girl and the grain men.
Waiting in the shade for the customers to arrive.
Get ready, time to wander and shop.
Vendors are waiting. So leave your ride in the donkey parking section and get shopping.
Maybe something metal, including old munitions? Or legumes, priced by the oil can?
The sugarcane girl and the grain men.
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