Thursday 24 September 2020

Wild Imagery At Wat Pathumvihara

What's a Wat if there isn't a nice section of mean warnings? Oh, if you might be going to Buddhist Hell, you'd better believe there's going to be a preview.

Into the cauldron go the people, out come piles of skulls. You could be home right now!

Let's see, how about decapitation by some sort of circular saw thingy. Too much? OK, you can stay alive, just no talking!

Sorry, we need your guts to keep the vultures fed.

Just getting warmed up. Time for some molten metal in the mouth. Triple torture, stabbed, mauled by dogs and birds. Ouch, even the bark of the tree is rough.

A priest, just observing, looking a little like a retired Mr. Clean who lost a lot of weight.

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