Friday 29 January 2021

The Ned Kelly Vault In Beechworth

Ahh, Ned Kelly, the perfect outlaw rebel hero. Irish in descent, poor, scratching out a living, busted on suspect horse stealing charges, over bearing mother who may have killed a police constable with a shovel to the face, a flunkie brother and friends who were perfect for gang formation, and an epic shootout that included bizarre, homemade armor. No wonder Mick Jagger and Heath Ledger have taken turns playing him.

In Beechworth, they've turned the old gold storage treasury vault into a museum, shrine to Kelly. He didn't rob the place, the vault seemed to be a convenient building to house a bunch of artifacts.

The vault, nestled among a handful of Beechworth's historic buildings.

Faces of crime.  Murdering momma Ellen Kelly and Ned's death mask.

One of Ned's rifles.

Just a tiny example of the Ned Kelly true pulp media machine. Reward notice, about $1 million in 2020 US dollars.

Ahh, the gang's armor. Supposedly inspired by ancient Chinese armor, the suits were made from plow parts. While successful in repelling bullets, the armor was heavy - about 100 pounds and damage through spaces proved fatal to the gang. A for effort (and armor)!

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