Thursday 26 April 2012

Retro Natural History Museum

There's a small Natural History museum in Kathmandu that's the museum equivalent of a baseball "throwback" jersey night. Let's step back in time and catch a glimpse at what the Smithsonian must have looked like way back when.

The humble entrance, looking like a cross between a ranch and a barn. The view inside, outfitted with classic wooden cases.

A small sample of stuffed heads that look a bit like someone's trophy room. Don't touch! Seems a little too late, because it looks like other folks have already shuffled this elephant as if it were a deck of cards.

Ouch! This cat looks like it had a little trouble with the jungle mafia. Grab bags? No, scat bags. Perhaps we'll go grab something else.

Not your mother's spice rack. A bit reminiscent of the storage locker from Silence of the Lambs. A barking deer that looks the part. Seems like a bad combination.  


  1. Bagged elephant poo is a delicacy in other countries I hear.

  2. Did you have to pay to get in?

