So many species to see, so little time. There's a section at the Indian Museum that looks like some big game hunter's jumbo trophy room. Full of large skeletons and stuffed wild animals, the vibe is more Teddy Roosevelt than teddy bear.
Looking a bit like the set in Bringing Up Baby, switching out dinosaur bones for whales.
A giraffe head. Nice primary colors display background. A couple of vultures chomping down. On what, exactly, we're not sure. A deer? And what's the snake thing the bird on the is right eating?
Rhino in a box, a very large box.
A lot of the animals had superlative names. Here a baby and a barker.
And then a modern and a lesser.
Evolution presented in skeletons. You've got monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey and, bam! human. We're not so far removed after all.
Checking out sea life. The blue "water" background paint adds a nice touch.
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